Super Spring Sale!! plus

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A humbobber logo with a fishing hook and a fishing lure

Super Spring Sale!! plus

Free Shipping on ALL Domestic Orders (limited time)

New Sizes & Colors Now Available!!

Nitebobber, Now Available (Watch the video):

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Use & Chum Suggestions

Target Species Bobber Type Chum & Bait Suggestions
Bass Chumbobber, Rattlebobber, Nitebobber Place a small live Minnow, Shad, or Crawfish in the chum well and a live Minnow, Shad, or Crawfish on the hook. Cut Minnows, Shad, Crawfish, Cicadas, and Crickets work well as chum for Bass and when paired with the Rattlebobber, provides an explosive combo as it mimics the Cicada sound.
Bluegill Chumbobber, Nitebobber, Minibobber Freshwater Shrimp, Cut or Whole Redworms, Mealworms, Nightcrawlers (chopped), Wax Worms, Crawfish (cut), Crickets, Maggots & other Larvae, such as grubs, can be placed in the chum well with the corresponding bait on the hook to draw in and hold a school of fish at your hook.
Carp Chumbobber, Rattlebobber, Nitebobber, MAXbobber Sweet Corn, Cherry Tomatoes, Pepperoni/Sausage, Boilies, Potatoes (cooked is fine), Tiger Nuts, Spam, Maggots, and Worms, are all know to be great Carp attractants that will fit excellently into the chum well of your favorite Chumbobber
Catfish Chumbobber, Rattlebobber, Nitebobber, MAXbobber Use fresh Mud Shad, Cut Herring or Menhaden, are excellent Chums for Catfish. Nightcrawlers, Crawfish, Redworms, Chicken Livers, Dog Food, Cat Food, Hotdogs, Cheese (stinky) and Freshwater Shrimp have all been shown to be great Chum options for Catfish
Crappie Chumbobber, Nitebobber, Minibobber Use fresh Mud Shad, Cut Herring or Menhaden, are excellent Chums for Catfish. Nightcrawlers, Crawfish, Redworms, Chicken Livers, Dog Food, Cat Food, Hotdogs, Cheese (stinky) and Freshwater Shrimp have all been shown to be great Chum options for Catfish
Gar Chumbobber, Rattlebobber, Nitebobber, MAXbobber Use fresh Mud Shad, Cut Herring or Menhaden, are excellent Chums for Catfish. Nightcrawlers, Crawfish, Redworms, Chicken Livers, Dog Food, Cat Food, Hotdogs, Cheese (stinky) and Freshwater Shrimp have all been shown to be great Chum options for Catfish
Redfish Chumbobber, Rattlebobber, Nitebobber, MAXbobber If fishing with dead shrimp, pull off those heads, pinch them, and then place them in the chum well. For maximum effect we recommend pairing with the Rattlebobber to hit more fish senses. Squid, Cut Herring, Menhaden, Crab Chunks, Shrimp, are all effective Red fish chums
Trout: Brown, Rainbow, Brook, Steelhead Chumbobber, Minibobber, Nitebobber Fish eggs are a favorite of many Trout species as well as Skein from a previous catch, and they fit perfectly in the chum well. Small live minnows, worms (red and nightcrawlers) Corn and Powerboat when fishing areas with stocked Trout as it closely resembles hatchery food.


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